Places That Have Incorporated Our Gardening Program
How Can Incorporating a Gardening Program
In Schools Help Children?
1. Screen Time Overload:
It encourages physical activity and engages children in the tangible, sensory experiences of the natural world.
2. Stress and Anxiety:
The repetitive tasks like planting, watering, and weeding can be meditative, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
3. Sensory Processing Issues:
It can help children who struggle with sensory processing by exposing them to various textures, smells, and sights in a controlled, natural environment.
4. Poor Eating Habits:
When children participate in growing vegetables and fruits, they are more likely to be interested in eating them.
5. Lack of Physical Activity:
Digging, planting, watering, and other gardening activities improve fine and gross motor skills and promote overall physical health.
6. Impatience and Instant Gratification:
Children learn that growth takes time, as they wait for seeds to germinate and plants to bear fruit.